Treatment of varicose veins of human resources in their homes

Treatment of varicose veins of human resources in homes is very popular, almost every person wants to or already knows the number of such opportunities, what is the home in conditions such as prevention.

Treatment of varicose veins of human resources in their homes

Varicose veins on the legs

Varicose veins or varicose veins in the absence of a common illness, that affects the venous the lower extremities of the blood vessels. If the disease occurs in a significant increase in the superficial veins, which is accompanied by disorders in the work of the valves and blood flow.

Visually, the disease manifested in the form of swelling of the veins of the noticeable change of the form of the blood vessels and reduce the elastic properties. There is also one more proof of the disease becomes noticeable to the grid of small capillaries, which occurs near the surface of the skin. Poor circulation of blood from damaged veins may cause development of blood clots. The reasons are the diseases of poor blood circulation, which arises due to wrong lifestyle, lack of enough physical activity.

The causes of varicose veins veins are related to obesity and pregnancy, as due to the increase in body weight, increases the pressure in the lower extremities of the veins and pelvis region. Parallel decreases in myocardial blood flow.

People are at risk, whose professional activities related to the long stay on the feet or the persistent Hiking movements during shift work. Whether sex varicose veins expansion becomes the consequence of a long period of wearing narrow shoes with heels. In this case, the disease is a consequence of the desire to create beauty.

According to medical statistics, that women are commonly suffering from the disease, which is related to the passing of these organisms in the hormonal changes throughout life, which includes pregnancy and the menopause. Availability is a bad habit, such as craving for nicotine, has led to the development of the disease, since the result is a disturbed circulatory system.

The first disease the existence of the visible vasculature of the eye tiny blood vessels and the constant feeling of heaviness in the legs, which increases the end of the day. In the early stages it is enough just to fully rest in order to signs of possible disease disappeared. It plays a cruel joke on the majority of people who are suffering from the disease, as visible through all of the symptoms does not mean completely get rid of the disease. Further it is a clear manifestation of varicose veins in the veins occurs in this stage, the treatment can only be surgical operation.

There is the following unpleasant symptoms may indicate you have varicose veins:

  • mittemääriv swelling of the thigh or lower leg, the end of the day the dimensions of swollen tissue increase;
  • measurable if palpation of the seal skin to skin in the area of the shins;
  • violation of skin pigmentation. The legs will be acquiring a pronounced reddish hue, becoming at times gray;
  • persistent pain in the area of the calf muscles, which is significantly stronger than the walking;
  • a painful feeling, if palpate account veins;
  • the last sign, which shows the running form of the disease, is the appearance of a venous ulcer.

Varicose veins buy is quite simple and easy to get rid of. Treatment of varicose veins is long-term in nature and there are several methods:

  • The application of the special slimming underwear or pantyhose, which will help to cope with disability at the initial stage of development.
  • Medical treatments, which have received tablets of medicines or the use of various creams and ointments.
  • Surgical intervention, which is the last chance to cope with the existing disease and apply the latest development in the ailment.
  • Laser treatment, which is more modern analogous operation, since it does not require dissecting the soft tissue and helps to eliminate existing nodes and these blood clots in the veins without the application of the scalpel.
  • Traditional methods, which when used correctly can lead to positive results.
If this application any method, apart from the cardinal, sets its task is not only to get rid of available external symptoms, but eliminating the root causes of disease development. If the varicose veins by ven reason is to change the composition of the blood, which causes the change of its viscosity, which reduces the speed of blood circulation.

The cause of the problem is the reversing of the blood vessels of the lower extremities and just back the lost elasticity must be targeted treatment.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods, which are directed to achieve a positive result, do not need to be based on the application of only one method. They should be comprehensive, combining a number of affordable treatment procedures.

Treatment of varicose veins
In order to accurately determine the possible ways and methods, it is necessary to put the correct diagnosis and determine the severity of existing varicose veins. This first sign of the disease must be compulsorily visit a qualified phlebologist, which determines how the severity of a disability and determines the corresponding treatment activities.

Acceptable way, that can be done in home conditions, is a way to therapeutic massage the feet. Activities are aimed to eliminate the swollen and improve blood flow to the muscles.

Women may be advised to use a special wash, the so-called packing. The principle of clothing is compressed in the foot, that lead to compression of the damaged veins. Using this kind of wash may get not only five, but it serves the cute prevention of the development of varicose veins ven in the future. Modern industry has taken care about the male part of the population, creating a special wash for men.

The first sign of varicose veins varicose veins it is recommended to change well-established habits. In particular, it should avoid the seat position of the leg over the foot. Such a situation occurs compression of veins, which can lead to stagnation of blood.

Should be cancel beautiful, but the strong high-heeled shoes and some time to forget their existence. Must be during the day try to frequently change the position of the body and legs, avoiding long periods of the population or seating in one position.

Get rid of existing disease symptoms home helps regular execution is simple flexible, which is a kind of loading feet. If the loading is suitable for easy walking socks, every day, walks on foot walking down the stairs.

Everyone will easily be able to find complexes of exercises, which will help the first sign of trouble and allows you to significantly improve the state of the lower extremities. It should be start curriculum physical education on smaller loads, which is recommended to gradually increase.

Conduct flexible does not mean giving up the integrated treatment. Treatment of varicose veins of people means home conditions absolutely suitable methods, which allow to achieve guaranteed positive results. The most famous and used people's recipes, when the object of varicose veins is the application of apple cider vinegar, cabbage leaves and a wide selection of herbs, which is made of the treatment compresses feet. They reproduce not only improve processes, blood circulation, but will help to alleviate swelling and eliminate fatigue.

Recipes of traditional medicine

There is more variety of popular recipes, the purpose of which is to eliminate not only the external manifestations of varicose veins of the lower extremities, but also getting rid of the causes of the trouble. In particular, to improve the elasticity of the veins and reduce blood viscosity. Including the most frequent recipes can be distinguished in the following.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar — a great opportunity. It is not expensive, can be found in almost every shop. Here is a proven treatment for varicose veins application of apple cider vinegar.

  • Buy high quality apple cider vinegar. Sold in the grocery store.
  • Look at the composition of apple cider vinegar. Must be undiluted. Allows more efficient to treat varicose veins.
  • Buy the undiluted apple cider vinegar and clean each evening to problematic areas. Repeat the wiping every morning.
  • Each day mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water.
  • Drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar with water twice a day.
  • Wait about a month until the varicose veins will not disappear!
Hevoskastanja Hevoskastanja

Example by means of a hevoskastanja is a good natural remedy, which can be used not only to prevent varicose veins but also for hemorrhoids. Natural medicine affects the body, reduces symptoms in patients with veins such as: varicose veins disease, pain, fatigue, legs edema. Horse chestnut reduces inflammation, increases the resilience of blood vessels, which increases the stability of the veins and capillaries and reduces fluid permeability. Reduces the load on the veins in the blood vessels and swelling.

Hürudoteraapiat and leeches

Hürudoteraapiat or treatment of leeches refers to the alternative methods, is often enough used to blood diseases. Leeches during the vacuum injected is bleeding derived from a special substance in the hirudinea, which affected the country in the blood, significantly diluting this formulation helps to cleanse the blood and reduces coagulation. In the process it is possible to obtain the following positive effects:

  • to strengthen the walls of damaged blood vessels;
  • nutrition of the soft tissues, normalization of metabolic processes in cells;
  • the general toning effect on the lower part, which has surprised the varicose veins by the veins.

The procedure itself is topical application in the skin surface one or two leeches. If you want to accelerate the achievement of positive effect, a set of leeches may be increased. Located in they along the problematic vein.

Treatment by means of leeches must be done only under the supervision of a specialist, because their worm can cause adverse reactions. First of all, the cover of this is parasites, saliva, onto which the hirudinea may contain allergens and pathogenic bacteria. Before the machine hirudotherapy, the doctor determines the whole complex of the relevant analyses. The aim is to identify the risk of occurrence of side effects. Course length can be up to 7 sessions without a break, after which it is desirable to make a small pause

Tincture kalanchoe pregnant

Quite popular home plant kalanchoe is an effective tool in the fight against swelling of varicose inflammation in the veins. It has long been the plant known for its treatment properties, so as kalanchoe contains a lot of mineral and organic salts. It promotes healing ulcers and wounds, speeds up the blood circulation and reduces inflammation.

Before cooking must follow simple rules to take care of kalanchoe. Need to water the plant is about 1 week. Such a step is that it must be cut sheets. Then wash, dry and put in the refrigerator, so they cool.

Preparation take a glass jar of 0.5 liters. Take the leaves and put the bottom of the banks so that they have met the side of the jar. Next pour the leaves of kalanchoe alcohol or regular vodka. Close the jar tightly, dark and available to the children place. To be heavily in the liquid in the pot from time to time.If the infusion of praesentia, to be rubbed into the feet only at night. This should be done, rising from the feet up to yourself in the knee cups. After the kneading necessary to wrap the feet in a warm blanket or wear woolen socks


Infusion for enlarged veins it is possible to prepare quite simple. In the autumn collect 10 large horse chestnuts, then chop finely and put in a small jar. In addition equina of chestnut to add more alcohol. Bank liquid must remain in the sun already 7 weeks.

The passage of time the mixture should swell and thicken. Forward is the need to pour small banks and rub the damaged places every day.

Compress the tomato Tomatoes
The method is a method of application of the tomatoes, there are some recipes in the application with the vegetables. According to which can be applied to both ripe red fruits and raw. Application of green tomatoes is more frequent in the two recipes.
  1. Raw ovary to be cut into large pieces, which later put along the major sites in veins of feet. After some time appeared in the measured burning sensation in the area to find a tomato, which gives the signal, will be deleted. It is recommended to carefully wash your feet with cool running water.
  2. The second recipe is almost identical to the first, the only difference is that the tomato should be cut into two halves, which must be placed in the field. After the start in the burning of tomato you want to remove, and washing the feet.

An important difference possibility is that the procedure to pull in half that peribunt tomato is necessary to repeat five times. To achieve a significant positive impact on arrives in the later two weeks of the method, which has a significant emollitio existing nodes, and then complete disappearance.

Cooking with marigold

Preparation of broth marigold does not require a large effort and easy to prepare at home. Get a medicinal drink should be 2 tablespoons of dried flowers to put in the enamel bowl and pour boiling water quantity per cup, then the solution obtained is required on a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, the broth is necessary to strain the liquid and add the normal boiled water, to get the full dish. Before the application of the obtained broth should stand over the two days, which allows the calendula to fully expose all of the medicinal properties.